The violinist, Young-Eun Tsche, was born in Seoul in South Korea and began to play violin at the age of four. Based on her lessons with Professor Nam Yun Kim, she won first prizes in various music competitions in Seoul. Furthermore, she was accepted as a scholarship holder at the Yewon School of Arts in Seoul, one of the most renowned schools for music and arts in South Korea.

At the age of twelve she made her debut with the KBS Symphony Orchestra and gave her first solo recital. Soon she moved to Europe, where she was accepted as a young student in Professor Igor Ozim's master class at the Hochschule für Musik und Tanz in Cologne. This was followed by her studies at the same institution. The violinist received additional artistic impulses and support from the Amadeus Quartet in Cologne, participation in the international summer academy of the Mozarteum in Salzburg and further studies with David Takeno in London.

In addition to her performances as a soloist and member of various international chamber music ensembles in Europe, the USA and South Korea, the violinist is committed to support the education of young, talented musicians.

The artist is present on various social media platforms and streaming services, through which she presents her performances across different music genres. Worth mentioning here is her album with works by Schumann and Kreisler, which was released on Spotify and other digital platforms in 2021.